Advertising & Sponsorship
2024 MEDIA KIT – Rates, Deadlines and Specifications
GreenMoney is celebrating 32 years of covering sustainable business and impact investing, with a focus on: Renewable Energy, Organic/Sustainable Agriculture and products, Women’s Leadership, Millennial activism, Green Design, Climate Change and Oceans, Ethical business and Social Change Philanthropy.
We publish the biweekly GreenMoney eJournal and, to deliver our award-winning brand of financial, business and consumer media. Every issue features well-researched articles on market impacting trends authored by SRI industry leaders and change-agent social entrepreneurs. Contact us to receive the latest Editorial Topics for forthcoming issues.
Our loyal readership includes: Ethical consumers, socially responsible business leaders, financial professionals and individual investors focused on sustainable business and impact/ESG investments.
Under the leadership of founder/managing editor, Cliff Feigenbaum, GreenMoney has received numerous awards including: rates
GreenMoney celebrated 30 years of publishing in 2022! GreenMoney Journal expanded its print edition to the web back in 1995. Today, publishes new SRI/ESG issues monthly, supported with bi-weekly eJournals.
Website banner ads
970 x 250 Billboard Banner
This new rotating banner is featured in just two lead positions on the issue’s Home page, and can be designed as a single frame, animated GIF or an HTML5 animation.
728 x 90 Leaderboard Banner package, (includes 320 x 100 banner for mobile)
This rotating banner is featured above the NAV on the Home page and at the top of all website pages. Banners rotate with other same size ads with each page reload.
This banner position serves a 728x x 90 banner to the top of pages on desktop and tablet devices – and a 320 x 100 version banner for mobile.
RATE: (1) Leaderboard banner package: $2,000 a year or $1,200 for 6 months
300 x 250 Medium Rectangle Banner
This rotating banner appears as multiple insertions across the website – in every article post, sub-page sidebar and featured article intros on Home. Banners rotate with other same size ads with each page reload.
RATE: (1) Medium rectangle banner: $2,000 a year or $1,200 for 6 months
300 x 600 Half Page Banner
This rotating banner is featured at the top of all article posts and sub-page sidebars; it rotates with other same size ads in its position, with each page reload.
RATE: (1) Half page banner: $2,000 a year or $1,200 for 6 months
Website banner specs:
RGB color digital banner files should be provided as retina-ready (or double the final pixel dimensions at 72dpi•) and as JPG, PNG, animated GIF, or HTML5 file formats – and generally under 300K in size. Please title your file for optimal SEO and email the banner with your desired website link to GreenMoney Production Department.
Website Banner files are due 2 weeks before scheduled insertion month.
*To determine your retina-ready file size, double the final insertion dimensions at 72dpi. For example, a 300 x 250 banner would be supplied at 600 x 500 px, 72 dpi.
GreenMoney bi-weekly eJournal
The bi-weekly eJournal features exclusive article and media content from our monthly theme and is emailed to approximately 25,000 to 30,000 subscribers. Subscribers include U.S. and international SRI business leaders, financial professionals and individual investors interested in Sustainable Business and Impact /ESG Investing. Distribution goes to approximately 55% women and 45% men with approximately 87% in the U.S.
Only (3) Ads per eJournal
600 x 120 Top Leaderboard** (above E-Journal masthead)
RATE: $3,000 per issue
300 x 250 Medium Rectangle Banner** (between feature articles)
RATE: $2,000 per issue
(NOTE: This banner size works for both our eJournal and Website platforms.)
600 x 120 Lower Leaderboard** (between articles)
RATE: $1,000 per issue
Ad Takeover for a whole eJournal
All 3 ads to one Advertiser:
RATE: $5000
eJournal Banner Specs:
**RGB color digital banner files should be provided as retina-ready (or double the final pixel dimensions at 72dpi), and as JPG, PNG or animated GIF file formats – and generally under 300K in total file size. Please title your file for optimal SEO and email the banner with your desired website link to GreenMoney Production Department.
eJournal Banner files are due 3 weeks prior to publication date.
To determine your retina-ready file size, double the final insertion dimensions at 72dpi. For example, a 600 x 120 banner would be supplied at 1200 x 240 px, 72 dpi.
Contact Cliff Feigenbaum at (505) 577-1563 or
Payment Mailing Address:
Attn: Cliff Feigenbaum
PO Box 67, Santa Fe, NM 87504-0067
(Electric and Credit Card payment information available upon request)