Clean Water for Communities and Commerce-Aug.20-GreenMoney

Featured Articles

LA Cleantech Incubator 2019 event on Fed Carbon Pricing Policy with Kirsten James-CERES-GreenMoney

Investors Use Climate Playbook to Scale Action on Water

Kirsten James
(From the 2020 Archives) The sheer scope of the global water crisis means that the entire financial system has to get onboard—and act boldly to significantly reduce water impacts. Creating this shift will depend on bringing together a broad group of investors and companies that recognize the market, and the financial and reputational risks of water use and management and act to mitigate these risks.
The Rise of Water Investing-by Justin Winter-Impax-GreenMoney

The Rise of Water Investing

Justin Winter
Impax Asset Management
Clean water and sanitation for all is the subject of the UN’s sixth sustainable development goal, and an increasingly relevant topic to both emerging markets and the developed world. The need for water infrastructure is great in the developing world, and in the developed world, ensuring access to clean water is an ever-present issue. All of which brings opportunities for sustainable investors.
The Future of Water-Jill Jedlicka-Waterkeeper Alliance Warrior-GreenMoney

The Future of Water

Mary Beth Postman
Waterkeeper Alliance
To weather this global pandemic, we need a sustained effort to protect the health and well-being of all people, while also planning for an economic recovery that leaves our communities and economy stronger and more resilient. One-fifth of the US economy, including the agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, and electricity sectors, need a reliable and clean supply of water.
Water and Pandemics-Alina Donets-Allianz Global Investors

Water and Pandemics

Alina Donets
Allianz Global Investors
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought much uncertainty to human lives and the global economy. In this turmoil, the water theme has not remained immune, facing many ambiguities and difficulties but also potential opportunities. The water industry now needs to consider the resilience of this essential service in the light of future risks while recognizing the importance of water for the well-being of our societies.

Additional Articles

MSCI: How 30 Years of ESG Indexing Informs Portfolio Construction

As it happens, Index-based Investing and ESG Investing met 30 years ago, when Peter Kinder, Steve Lydenberg and Amy Domini ran a research firm in Boston, and assembled a set of socially responsible stocks they called the KLD 400 Social Index. MSCI has created a new interactive timeline, which traces the evolution of ESG indexes back to 1990.

Parnassus on Companies Becoming More Relevant to Customers during COVID-19

Companies that exhibited the best capabilities to serve customers as they began to shelter in place relied on innovation long before the pandemic emerged. Remaining relevant to customers during this time requires inventiveness, adaptability and resilience. Here are the companies that have stepped up, supporting the virtual economy, while investing in the workplace and managing supply chain risks.

Domini Impact Investments releases the Domini Funds 2019 Impact Report

Throughout 2019, Domini Funds enhanced their Impact Investment Standards, continued to identify how their investments support the UN’s SDGs, and collaborated with a wide variety of stakeholders, including companies, civil society organizations, and other investors. In addition to its focus of addressing climate change and human rights through its investment process and engagements.

Water Foundry and ConnectMii Launch a new Virtual Meeting and Events Platform

Water Foundry, a global advisor in solving water challenges and driving technology innovation, and ConnectMii, a company and platform that delivers unique virtual conference experiences, announced the launch of Blue Foundry Events, a virtual meeting and events platform that aims to facilitate meaningful engagement amongst water industry stakeholders.

Apple Commits to Being Carbon Neutral by 2030 in its Environmental Progress Report

Apple has released a 10-year roadmap, as part of its 2020 Environmental Progress Report, to ensure that every device it produces has a net-zero climate impact by 2030, as part of its plans to become carbon neutral. "Climate action can be the foundation for a new era of innovative potential, job creation, and durable economic growth," said Apple's CEO Tim Cook.

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