November 2021

Green Bonds


Featured Articles

Green Bond-anza - Making Sense of the Categories by Benjamin J Bailey - Praxis Mutual Funds and Everence Financial

Green Bond-anza: Making Sense of the Categories

Benjamin J. Bailey
Praxis Mutual Funds & Everence Financial
With the EU beginning to issue green bonds and predictions that have annual green bond issuance hitting $1 trillion by 2023, many have been left wondering: “What exactly is a green bond?” Green bonds allow investors to buy bonds that make a specific impact on the environment, especially climate. And now there’s social, sustainability, and positive impact bonds.
The Rise in Green Bonds - What this means for Investors and the Planet by Leslie Samuelrich Green Century Funds

The Rise in Green Bonds: What This Means for Investors and Our Planet

Leslie Samuelrich
Green Century Funds
In the first half of 2021, the total value of new green bonds issued reached almost $250 billion, more than the value of all bonds issued in all of 2020. Green bonds have proven to be an effective way to mobilize private capital as they have the same fundamental risk and return characteristics as conventional bonds.
Green Bond Standards Bringing Greater Clarity for Issuers and Investors by Henry Mason and Brian Ellis Calvert Research Mgmt

Green Bond Standards Advance, Bringing Greater Clarity for Issuers, Investors

Henry Mason and Brian Ellis
Calvert Research and Management
The green bond market has played an increasingly important role in financing assets needed for the transition to a low-carbon future. In 2021 labelled green bond issuance as a percentage of the total has grown to 20% in Europe and 3% in the US.
The Green Bonds Awkward Kid Brother Enters the Market by Kari Huus of US Green Bonds Review

The Green Bond’s Awkward Kid Brother Enters the Market

Kari Huus
US Green Bonds Review, Climate & Capital Media
Sustainability-linked bonds could help finance the transition of carbon-heavy companies, but only if the issuers are serious about climate. The green bond market is on fire, channeling record funds into climate-friendly projects around the globe promising synergy between investors chasing ESG products and the need for climate finance, especially in developing countries.

Additional Articles

Powerful Tools to Avert Climate-based Financial Instability

Most central banks align their asset purchasing programs with supporting risk mitigation – like investing in green bonds, for example. However, as modeling by the NGFS, an association of more than 90 central banks, has shown, shifting portfolio emissions requires more than green bond purchases; fossil fuel exposures must also be severely limited.

Green Bond Pioneers Create Advisory Firm – ImpactARC

Founding members, Dr. Judith Moore and Alya Kayal, JD, along with Senior Advisor Stuart Kinnersley, have launched ImpactARC, a dedicated impact advisory firm that aims to support asset owners and managers, international financial institutions, corporates and non-profit organizations in a just transition towards net zero outcomes.

Impact Shares ETFs Receive 5-Star Morningstar Rating

“Since day one, our mission at Impact Shares is to transform the way people think about investing. The outstanding financial performance of our three flagship funds demonstrates the viability of working with leading advocacy firms to achieve actively-managed social outcomes without sacrificing financial returns.”– Ethan Powell, CEO of Impact Shares

Homewise Releases their 2021 Annual Report

“We’ve remained flexible and adaptable as we continued to focus on achieving our mission in an impactful and sustainable way. From delivering our programs and services remotely to responding to changing economic and market conditions with innovative new programs, services and assistance for our clients.” Mike Loftin, CEO of Homewise

New Guide for Retirement Plan Sponsors from US SIF

This five-step guide assists retirement plan sponsors considering the addition of investment options that address ESG criteria to their defined contribution (DC) retirement plans. It includes increasing plan sponsor knowledge of sustainable investing, gauging participants' interest, discussing implementation, choosing funds and educating participants.

2021 Responsible Business Awards from Reuters Events

A great variety of different sectors and industries from all over the world were represented at the virtual awards ceremony. The diversity on display – both in terms of geography and in the working sphere – demonstrated how delivering a clean, more responsible business future is now an international mainstream effort – and opportunity.

GreenMoney Wins 2021 Media Innovator Award

Corporate Vision Magazine recently announced the winners of the Media Innovator Awards 2021 which acknowledges businesses, and individuals who have excelled within the industry. Welcoming all businesses, enterprises and professionals, from print media, broadcasting, and social media. The GreenMoney team is honored by the award.

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