Featured Articles

A Call to Farms event November 13 and 14 - Slow Money Providence

Impact Investing and Deep Intention

Woody Tasch
Slow Money
For the past 15 years, under the loose banner of the ‘slow money’ movement, $100 million has flowed to over 1000 small, diversified organic farms and local food businesses via volunteer-led activities in dozens of communities. In this fertile field, seeds of a replicable, local 0% lending model have sprouted. There are now five “SOIL” groups in the U.S. and one in Israel, using donated capital to make 0% loans, to the tune of over $4 million in aggregate to some 150 farms and food businesses.
Growth and Impact Potential of Investing in Food System Transformation by Elysabeth Alfano VegTech

The Growth and Impact Potential of Investing in Food System Transformation

Elysabeth Alfano
VegTech Invest
Concerns regarding producing enough food for the global population using our resource intensive system along with mounting negative impacts from that food system on the planet, has ‘Blended Capital’ investment beginning to flow into food systems transformation. Family offices, governments, and investors are looking to make an impact and understand that protein diversification, complementing animal protein, is a powerful way to do so.
A ranch near the Trailhead Capital office in Denver, Colorado

Venture Capital Investing in Regenerative Agriculture

Andrew Keesee
Trailhead Capital
We believe that regenerative agriculture practices, and more specifically tech-enabled solutions promoting sustainable practices, can help turn agriculture from a carbon source to a carbon sink, replenish our waterways through healthier and more absorbent soil, improve the quality of food consumed, and allow biodiversity to thrive across our lands, all while improving the way food and other raw materials are produced and delivered to end consumers.
Investing in a Different Kind of Paradise - Catalyzing Hawai'i's Sustainable Food System

Investing in a Different Kind of Paradise: Catalyzing Hawai’i’s Sustainable Food System

Keoni Lee
Hawai'i Investment Ready
During the pandemic, many Hawai'i residents saw empty food shelves for the first time, which daylighted the urgency food system leaders have warned about. These leaders are gathering to envision new possibilities by investing in relationships. Aligned by a vision of food sovereignty and a shared aloha (love) for their island home, each other, and future generations, this movement is poised to tackle needed large-scale food and agricultural changes.

Additional Articles

Preserving Farmland for Food Production: A Sustainable Approach

In the face of growing environmental challenges and a rapidly increasing global population, the preservation of farmland for food production has never been more critical. SILT is at the forefront of this mission, working to secure and protect farmland specifically for the purpose of growing food. This article delves into the importance of preserving farmland, and the broader implications for our food systems and communities.

New Bank Coalition Aims to Amp Up U.S. Climate Investment

For those working in climate and finance, here’s a noteworthy item that happened during Climate Week: the launch of a new entity by nearly 40 of the country’s leading green banks, which collectively, put up more than $10B in new investments in 2023. The U.S. Green Bank 50 (GB50) is a partnership between nonprofit financial and clean energy-focused public institutions to drive investment into climate solutions across the US.

Sustainability & Stewardship 2024 Report from Parnassus

At Parnassus, we aim to help our clients accomplish their goals with investments that create enduring value. Toward that end, we used our engagements and proxy voting to drive improvements in business outcomes and disclosures on a range of issues, including climate change, environmental justice, sustainable workplaces, and the responsible use of AI. Read more in our new Sustainability & Stewardship report.

3BL Announces 100 Best Corporate Citizens of 2024

The annual list recognizes outstanding environmental, social and governance (ESG) transparency and performance among the 1,000 largest public companies in the United States. The ranking evaluated Russell 1,000 companies based on 223 ESG factors across seven pillars including climate change, employee relations, environment, governance, human rights, stakeholders, and society.

Weather’s Impact on Investing in US Agriculture: Navigating the New Normal

From May 2024 Issue – Napa cabernet. Florida oranges. Georgia peaches. Washington apples. Why are crops so associated with places? As an investor, it's crucial to recognize the impact that weather and climate have on Ag. Weather patterns dictate the success or failure of crops, influence land management decisions, and shape the financial landscape for Ag investments. Understanding these interactions, and their changes, is critical to not only the farmer working the land, but those investing in it.

The Economic and Water Impacts of the EPA’s “Slaughterhouse” Rule

From April 2024 Issue – The EPA has a decision to make, as it is considering new water pollution standards for slaughterhouses and rendering facilities in response to lawsuits from environmental organizations. Despite its stated mission to safeguard human health and the environment, EPA's current regulations do not address phosphorus discharges, and the agency has neglected to update water pollution standards for other harmful pollutants from this industry for 20 years, as required by the Clean Water Act.

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