Impact Investing & Philanthropy Oct.2022-GreenMoney

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Nextracker - SJF Ventures III - courtesy of MacArthur Found

Why Impact Investing Needs Philanthropy and Catalytic Capital

Debra Schwartz
MacArthur Foundation
The global impact investing field has been expanding like never before so it is worth considering what impact investing’s further growth and mainstreaming could mean for philanthropy and foundations and the dynamic role they have long played. Informed by 40 years and more than $700 million of impact investing, the MacArthur Foundation sees three main ways that philanthropy should continue to engage.
Brilliant Planet is a carbon capture and storage company unlocking the power of algae as affordable sequestration - ImpactAssets - GreenMoney

Tapping the Catalytic Capital Potential of Donor Advised Funds

Timothy Freundlich
Impact investing has found a foothold in donor advised funds. From affluent individuals and families to community and corporate foundations, donors are looking at the investment side of their philanthropic capital and investing charitable assets in ways that provide immediate benefit to those who need it most. The $160 billion in DAF assets represents a pool of patient capital and an ideal source of catalytic capital.
Heron Spectrum investment tools - GreenMoney Oct.22

Optimizing Assets for Mission

Dana Bezerra
Heron Foundation
Should a private foundation be more than a private investment company that uses some of its excess cash flow for charitable purposes? This was a question pondered by the Heron Foundation’s Board of Directors as they considered how best to use the Foundation’s assets to promote its mission of helping people and communities help themselves. And for the last 10 years, Heron has invested 100 percent of our assets for our mission.
Impact Investing for Social Justice-Looking Back and Moving Forward-Surdna Foundation

Impact Investing for Social Justice: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Adam Connaker
Surdna Foundation
Since 2008, in response to expanding social and racial inequities across the United States, the Surdna Foundation has worked to foster sustainable communities guided by principles of social justice and distinguished by healthy environments, inclusive economies, and thriving cultures. These pillars – environment, economic opportunity, and culture – form the backbone of a more fair and just society for all.

Additional Articles

Investing in Coastal Enterprises’ Child Care Business Lab

CEI’s Business Lab is an example of the kind of solution that Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) excel at. Through their lending and business advising in economically sidelined communities, CDFIs learn directly from the individuals in the communities that they serve, what the key barriers to success are, allowing them to develop tailored solutions.

Global Water Security–the single most significant impact and investment opportunity

Water is essential to planetary well-being and securing water for different uses provides countries with socio-economic development. However, investing in water resource development is still challenging for governments and corporations worldwide. Energy has alternatives (solar, wind, nuclear, etc.), but there is NO substitute for water.

Reflecting on the ESG Industry’s Strong Foundation and Bright Future

In light of my forthcoming retirement at the end of the year, I am especially pleased to be included in this 30th anniversary issue of GreenMoney. It has been a tremendous privilege to be embedded in the evolution of ESG Investing for 50 years, first at ICCR and then at BTW. This is an occasion to look ahead at the ESG industry’s future. But first, let’s reflect on the foundation laid by investors since 1971. (Sept. 2022)

The Next 30 Years: GM’s Vision for a More Sustainable and Equitable Future

From the 2022 Archives – For GM, the pandemic became an opportunity for company-wide innovation. With the development and launch of numerous EVs, we showed ourselves and the world just how agile and creative we could be, even during a challenging time for everyone across the globe. Today, we’re using what we’ve learned to propel forward our vision of an all-electric, more sustainable and more inclusive future.

Market Infrastructure Built Over the Past Three Decades Will Help Fuel the Next 30 Years

As we look forward to the next 30 years, we believe that capital markets are on the precipice of an increase in the impact of corporate ESG performance on security prices. We expect a corresponding acceleration of capital deployed to solve the environmental challenges, such as greenhouse gas emissions and plastic pollution. We also expect improvements in corporate DEI performance.

Envisioning Transformational Change in Who Builds Wealth and How

What could the next 30 years bring? At Homewise we are working towards a future in which a growing and increasingly diverse spectrum of Americans have the opportunity to build intergenerational wealth and foster strong communities through homeownership. We believe that this work, if taken to scale and adequately resourced, could transform the distribution of wealth and opportunity in America within 30 years.

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