Thinking Like Water – ‘water wizard’ Bill Zeedyk teaches people how to work with Nature to restore degraded watersheds
Thinking Like Water Documentary Series Preview – Bill Zeedyk is a legend in the ecological restoration community. But when he began this work over 25 years ago, after retiring from the U.S. Forest Service, his ideas were considered almost heretical. Building on the work of Luna Leopold (son of famed conservationist Aldo Leopold), the river guru Dave Rosgen and influenced by indigenous land practices from tribes in the Southwest, Zeedyk’s methods coax straightened streams back on their natural meandering paths, lift creeks, raise water tables and recreate lost habitats. All while using simple restoration techniques he designed or innovated upon. Episode 1 – “Willing to Try Things” screens at the Santa Fe Film Festival, April 25–28, 2024.
Learn more about the project and five-part series here.
Produced and Edited by: Renea Roberts, R3 Productions, inc.
Video: Renea Roberts, April Reese, Cristina McCandless, Zachary Bartlett
Drone: Zachary Bartlett, Cristina McCandless
Photography: Tamara Gadzia