Wildlife Works Launches Everland To Accelerate High Impact Forest Conservation Projects That Fight Climate Change

Wildlife Works announced in July the launch of Everland LLC, a specialized marketing company representing an established group of high-impact forest conservation projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America that have successfully stopped deforestation by applying REDD+, a performance-based mechanism, to conserve highly threatened forests.

REDD+ is an acronym for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation, a UN-envisioned Climate Change mitigation strategy designed to protect forests that would otherwise be destroyed and thereby avoid the release of CO2 emissions that harm the environment.

The destruction of forests is the second largest source of CO2 emissions accounting for over 7B tonnes of CO2 released each year, more than the entire global transportation sector.

Everland anticipates that its collective portfolio of forest conservation projects will significantly contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals through the protection of 3.5M hectares of the most important and vulnerable forests in the world.

The company will market REDD+ projects that reduce 25M tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, create more than 2,000 jobs and bring millions of dollars and significant benefits to over a million local community members. In addition, the projects protect habitat for many endangered species including elephants, lions, cheetahs, tigers, gorillas, orangutan and bonobos.

REDD+ is the fastest, most cost effective initiative that can be done right now to combat climate change,” said Mike Korchinsky, founder and president of Wildlife Works. “Through Everland we will establish a formidable marketing team located in key markets across the globe to provide Wildlife Works and other REDD+ project developers like us with access to a wide range of market channels and sales contracts,” said Korchinsky.

Revenues from sales make it possible for REDD+ projects to finance conservation work on-the-ground where local landowners and communities are adequately rewarded for avoiding deforestation now and for the long-term.

Gerald Prolman who led Wildlife Works business development team for the past nine years has been named president of Everland. The company is headquartered in New York City. Pamela Brazier, Wildlife Works head of business development for Europe, based in London, has been named Everland s Vice President of Business Development for Europe.

We are ready to get to work to bring greatly needed capital to real climate heroes who have gone to extreme measures to protect forests,” said Gerald Prolman, President of Everland.

Everland will make it easy for businesses to support REDD+ projects by providing them with project due diligence, impact reporting, engaging content and digital tools to efficiently integrate sustainability into their business models.

Through successful sales we have the potential to create local sustainable economies that will serve forest communities well beyond carbon markets,” said Prolman.

For more information contact:

PR@everlandmarketing.com and visit- http://www.everlandmarketing.com


About Everland

Everland is a specialized marketing company representing forest conservation projects across the globe that protect wildlife and enhance the well-being of local forest communities.

Everland provides REDD+ project developers with access to a wide range of market channels and generates sales contracts. This makes it possible to finance the conservation work they do where local landowners and communities are adequately rewarded for avoiding deforestation now and for the long-term. Everland helps businesses achieve and convey their sustainability (emission reduction) and CSR commitments as well as gain value from their purchase of REDD+ Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) by providing project due diligence, verified impacts, assured delivery, marketing support and digital tools to efficiently integrate sustainability into their business models.

About Wildlife Works

Wildlife Works, established in 1997, is a for-profit private company based in Mill Valley, California committed to bringing marketplace initiatives into the fight to protect the planet s threatened forests and the magnificent species that call them home.

The company is a recognized leader in the REDD+ sector and is the first company in the world to achieve verification of a REDD+ project under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB).

Wildlife Works developed and manages REDD+ projects in Kenya and The Democratic Republic of the Congo that protect 1.24M acres of forest, reducing over five million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually. Wildlife Works protects threatened forests, the wildlife that live in them and provides communities with a sustainable and transformative development path.

About REDD+

REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) is a climate change mitigation strategy envisioned by the United Nations. REDD+ places a value on a standing forest as a key element in a plan to avoid continued deforestation.

By making forests more valuable standing than cut down, REDD+ provides forest communities and countries with a model for economic development where both people and the planet can benefit.

The value is represented by Verified Emission Reduction (VER) units. VERs are also known as offsets or carbon credits. Each VER equals one tonne of carbon dioxide that was prevented from being released into the atmosphere as a result of a REDD+ project s conservation plan.

REDD+ developers quantify the amount of greenhouse gas emissions reduced through their activities. Under rigorous environmental and social standards their work is independently verified by international auditors. Upon a successful verification the project is issued VERs.

VERs are purchased by progressive corporations who voluntarily elect to reduce their unavoidable emissions. Proceeds from VER sales are reinvested in green economic development for the forest communities.

REDD+ projects deliver unprecedented environmental and social benefits to seriously impoverished forest communities that are in desperate need of change.

The destruction of forests is the second largest source of CO2 emissions accounting for over 7B tonnes of CO2 released each year, more than the entire global transportation sector.

The Paris Climate Agreement signed by 196 countries in December 2015 aims to keep a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The Paris Agreement recognized REDD+ emission reductions to be on par with any other compliance grade carbon credit as of 2020.

According to UNEP; there is currently a 14B tonne emissions gap to meet the Paris Agreement goals; minimally, 2B tonnes of annual emission reductions must come from land use (REDD+).

Additional Articles, Energy & Climate, Sustainable Business


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