Praxis Releases its Real Impact 2021 Report
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Praxis introduces ImpactX framework to help investors better understand the real-world difference their investments can make
Praxis Mutual Funds®, a leading faith-based, socially responsible family of mutual funds from Everence Financial®, recently released “Praxis Real Impact 2021.” The report seeks to communicate the many ways that Praxis’ unique values-driven approach to sustainable investing, delivered real-world change through a range of impact strategies in calendar year 2020.
The impact report is the second report of its kind for Praxis Mutual Funds and describes the firm’s longstanding commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration and impact investing.
This year’s report introduces Praxis’ ImpactX framework: seven strategies that Praxis uses when evaluating potential investments. This framework of distinct impact strategies highlights how investments can support and contribute to the change we want to see in the world.
The seven ImpactX strategies described in the report are:
- Values + ESG Screening
- ESG Integration
- Positive Impact Bonds
- Company Engagement
- Advocacy & Education
- Proxy Voting
- Community Development Investing
“With sustainable investing only growing in popularity, we know that many investors are wondering how to assess sustainability investments,” said Praxis Mutual Funds President Chad Horning, CFA®. “At Praxis, we believe that focusing on ‘good’ ESG companies to invest in is just the start. As part of our ImpactX approach, our team developed an impact gauge for each strategy to help investors understand which ones deliver the biggest, real-world difference to the planet and its people.”
Report Highlights
- A look at how the Praxis Impact Bond Fund has been a leader in positive impact bond investing for more than 15 years, with more than 30% of the Fund’s assets being invested in positive impact bonds at the end of 2020
- A review of Praxis Mutual Funds’ alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the seven ImpactX strategies.
- A discussion of some of key shareholder advocacy and fixed income engagement initiatives that Praxis has participated in during 2020, on topics including climate change, chemical safety, human rights policy and vaccine access, just to name a few.
- An update on Praxis’ community development investing with stories highlighting the initiatives that Praxis’ has supported through its partnership with Calvert Impact Capital. For over 20 years, Praxis has channeled about 1% of each mutual fund into “deep social-impact” investments that bring direct benefits to low-income and underserved communities around the world.
Praxis Vice President of Stewardship Investing, Mark Regier said, “For over 25 years, Praxis has been committed to partnering with our clients to integrate faith, values and investing. This report and the stories within serve as an example of how Praxis’ approach to sustainable and faith-based investing focuses on the real-world impact that our investments can make to mitigate climate change, protect human rights and lift up the least among us.”
The full Praxis Real Impact 2021 report can be downloaded for free on the Praxis website.
About Praxis Mutual Funds
Founded in 1994, Praxis Mutual Funds is a leading faith-based, socially responsible family of mutual funds designed to help people and groups integrate their finances with their values. Praxis is the mutual fund family of Everence Financial, a comprehensive faith-based financial services organization helping individuals, organizations and congregations. To learn more, visit https://www.praxismutualfunds.com and https://www.everence.com or call 800-348-7468.
Consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before you invest. The fund’s prospectus and summary prospectus contain this and other information. Call 800-977-2947 or visit praxismutualfunds.com for a prospectus, which you should read carefully before you invest. Praxis Mutual Funds are advised by Everence Capital Management and distributed through Foreside Financial Services, LLC, member FINRA. Investment products offered are not FDIC insured, may lose value, and have no bank guarantee.
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