Biomimicry & Business: Companies Using Nature’s Strategies
New book blends stories of five successful companies – Nike, Interface, Inc., PAX Scientific, Sharklet Technologies, and Encycle – which partner with nature by deploying biomimicry.
Could a shark help you gain a new market sector? Could a lily or a bee help tame your energy needs? These biological champions have inspired strategies enabling companies to boost profits while helping people and the planet as well. The Biomimicry Institute was pleased to announce a new book which was released in late October, and the author has generously offered half of the proceeds to support our organization’s mission in furthering biomimicry education and application.
Margo Farnsworth’s Biomimicry and Business: How Companies are Using Nature’s Strategies blends snapshots of five successful companies — Nike, Interface, Inc., PAX Scientific, Sharklet Technologies, and Encycle — which decided to partner with nature by deploying biomimicry, the practice of observing then mimicking nature’s strategies to solve business challenges. The book details how the five companies discovered the practices, introduced them to staff, engaged in the process, and measured outcomes.
“Biomimicry and Business is exactly what the movement needs right now—examples of people successfully practicing biomimicry to help heal their part of the world,” said Janine Benyus, Co-Founder of the Biomimicry Institute. “This book represents the next step and will be important in the annals of this emerging discipline.”
By revealing the stories of each professional’s journey with lessons they learned, then providing resources and issuing a challenge and pathway to do business better, this book serves as a tool for entrepreneurs, seasoned professionals, and students to emulate nature’s brilliance, apply it at work, and contribute to a healthier, more prosperous world.
“When I learned about what the Biomimicry Institute was doing, I realized how I could help my MBA students launch companies that could make gains for nature and humanity, while still having a profitable business,” said Farnsworth. “In writing this book, my goal was to help business partners who want to do well by doing good in an impactful and lasting way. This book is a map for those around the world who are passionate about biomimicry and are looking to get the practice into their business.”
Biomimicry offers a path to healthy profit while working in partnership, and even reciprocity, with the natural world. If you’re looking at new ways to conduct business—look to nature for your next business partner.
You can also watch a recent webinar with Margo Farnsworth and special guest Dr. Anthony Brennan, founder of Sharklet Technologies, one of the companies featured in the book.
To learn more about Biomimicry and Business and purchase your copy visit routledge.com/9780367552596.
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